Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hello and hi

In the interest of getting back in the habit of writing, I have severed off my own chunk of the Internet to call my own. I only hope that in the next few weeks, the Internet will run out of space and they'll shut me down. Then I could blame technology.

Right now I can only blame myself.

This is me.


Unknown said...

check out NANOWRIMO - it's another way to kick start writing, J. I'm finally at a job stable enough with a life a little less self-destructive enough to actually do it this year.

check it yo.

Elisson said...

I think you're hitting your writing stride with this new blog. I like everything I've seen - perhaps I will pimp you on my own site and then you will have an additional Trickle o' Readership.

Crazy Town, indeed. You are a model citizen.

Walrilla said...

Man, if Big Poppa Elisson recommends ya, you got it made!

Seriously, good writing, and humorous, too. I'll be keeping an eye on you.
