Monday, July 12, 2010

Maybe Prince is right

There was an article today about the show Tosh.0 being Comedy Central's highest rated show - generating greater viewership than The Daily Show or Colbert Report. In all fairness, I've only seen Tosh.0 once, but it appears to be a clearing-house of Internet-cultivated videos packaged together with B-level commentary. And these are videos you may have already found; e.g. "bat in a toilet" and "we auto-tuned my deaf friend."

How did this happen? How is the highest rated show on a television network solely based on the Internet? I'm not knocking the Internet. I love the Internet, I have all of its albums. But I thought that at night we watched TV shows and at work we watched Internet videos.

That's what America was built on.

What screws me up even more is that, a few days ago, Prince declared that the Internet is dead. He broke all the rules by releasing his new album with traditional paper distribution NEWSPAPER.

What's next? Someone reading a book on a fax machine?

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